Welcome Back to School

Welcome Back! We are so excited to begin the 2020-21 School Year. We are aware that with all the excitement there are also a lot of uncertainties. The Wolf Point School District has put into place many safety measures to provide the best learning environment possible during this school year. Below you will find a Southside School Parent Guide that will guide you through some of the changes we have made this year. 

Please take the time to read through the Southside Parent Guide to become familiar with the new changes. 

Southside Parents Guide


Plan A:

Student Arrival:    

-No open houses

-If you haven’t pre-registered your student, you may come back at noon to register your student.


Day 1 and Regular Day

-Please take your students' temperature at home.  If they seem to show symptoms, do not send them to school.

-If you are not an enrolled student for the building you are attending you will not be allowed in the building.  Example, Northside students cannot eat at Southside and vice versa.

-All students will be need to be dropped off at the front of the school, please come through the front gate  

-If you are eating breakfast (grades 1-3) the building will open at 7:20am.  Please come through the front doors.  The students will do a self screen with an adult present to monitor the temp screening stations.  They will also be asked to use hand sanitizer.

-Students eating breakfast will line up inside the south side of the gym.  

-The kitchen has created a more open space for non-contact delivery of the trays as well as spacing out the lunch tables.  The students will need to line up distancing as per the guidelines.  The teachers and staff will wipe down each table as the students go to their designated areas to wait for outside dismissal.  

-The students will remain in assigned bubble groups by grade while waiting for the teacher to dismiss outside. 

-If your student is not eating breakfast, please bring them at 7:50am to the front gate.  Teachers will be on the playground to monitor students.  We ask you to discuss with your student playground safety as we will also enforce more noncontact playing. 

-The bell rings to go inside at 8:05am.  Each grade will line up at their grade level door, PreK and Kindergarten (North door) 3rd and 1st (East doors on the basketball court) 2nd grade (south door, front door).  The teacher will use social distancing to line students up outside as much as possible.  

-As they enter the building a teacher will take the students temps to get everyone in the building. 

-In each classroom the teacher will set a routine in place to wash hands at the start of the day, and explain how the masks and face shields are used. 

-PreSchool and Kindergarten will attend school from 8:30 - 11:30 Morning Session, and 12:30 - 3:30 Afternoon Session. Students can be dropped off after 8:15. There will be no adults on the playground until 8:15. Preschool and Kindergarten students cannot be dropped off with their older siblings. 


Day 1-4: 

-The Helping Outstanding Students Lead (HOWL) program will be used to integrate students into the school! Our program is designed to assist the students to reenter the rigorous academic settings through the WOLVES value systems. We combine multidisciplinary activities including but not limited to Learning outside the normal curriculum, Team building activities, community engagements, and student led activities.   During this time the students will receive lessons designed to teach all about hygiene and the importance of washing hands and using elbows to cough etc.  Your students' teacher will provide more information when needed. 

-Students transitioning will follow marked hallways and face masks, handwashing (as applicable) and routine. 


During Lunch:

The teachers will go through the gym doors and it will be similar to breakfast in procedure. The teacher will have them stand in line as far apart as possible. The students will no longer sit opposite of each other but only on one side of the lunch benches.  Therefore, reducing face to face contact.  Hands will be washed before and after lunch by use of washing stations and/or class hand sanitizer. 

Students will not need to use the pin pad to enter their own punch pin.  The lunch person will have their pin numbers to encode to reduce touching of the same pin pad.  We ask if they are old enough to memorize their number to tell the lunch person, but if not we have their numbers.


Playground Rules:

We would ask parents/ and or guardians to teach students about physical contact playing and how to reduce the physical contact on the playground.  We will ask teachers to watch students and redirect aggressive or physical playing.  The playgrounds will be sprayed with a chemical during the high playground times throughout the day.  The chemical is approved and safe for children. 


Student Dismissal:

Teachers will have the students wash their hands before they are done for the day, masks/shields will be directed for sanitization by each teacher’s classroom rules.  If we designate a face mask, the student may leave it at school for the days they are there. Some teachers will take the masks and lay them out in a window and have the sunlight UV to disinfect them, if the teacher does not have adequate lighting the school has one UV light room the teacher may put the masks in each night. There will be new pick-up locations this year. After School each grade level will have a designated pick-up location around the school. Look for the grade level signs which will be posted for each grade. Also attached is a map of the school with the pick up locations marked. 


Student belongings:

We ask each student to have a container to keep items in and not to share.  The district may have extras for students who need help, please let your teacher know.  We will provide one water bottle per student and the teachers will keep them in the class and wash them as needed.  We will not use cubbies, but use garbage bags to keep student belongings in while not in use. 

We ask that you send 1 container of clorox wipes 1 time a month to your students class to help with sanitizing supplies.


We are looking forward to a great school year!